Dear Reference Manager users,

I am excited to let you know that I finally took first step towards making the project open source. There are two aspects of the Reference Manager:

1. Server Side that does all the heavy work of transforming citations from one format (such as bibtex) to OfficeXML or importing references from external websites and converting to officeXML. This code is available in ruby and can be found over here

2. Client side is written VB. This is a very thin client that all does is send data to the server and get the office xml data and populate bibliography. You can download client side code from here

I have started working on this project almost after 3 years and its taking some time for me to get it up to speed. But I hope with your help we can make it useful to even more people. There are lot of things need to be done such as documentation, adding support for other websites and unit testing, etc. So please feel free to contact me if you are interested in participating in this project.



  1. Hello Ritesh,

    thank you for all the free support you provide to all PhD students out there.
    i am running Memento 3 years now, but recently i found a bug and want to report it.
    Whenever i try to import a new bibtex source in Word i get a message:

    The remote name could not be resolved:’’

    Hope you will be able to fix it.



    1. @Adam, @ilias: Sorry for all the trouble. The server that was hosting the code for converting one format to another was taken down. The backend was written in PHP and I was using CakePHP to create REST framework. However I haven’t worked with PHP for long time now. I have released the backend code and its available on github. I am not planning to setup another node. If any of you have PHP experience it should be fairly simple to get it working again. I will try my best to put some documentation in place so that you guys can run the code locally. Again sorry for the trouble.

      1. Hello Ritesh,

        I was using Momento and it is a great tool. Following-on from the previous post, appreciate if you could advise how do I get to use Momento again as the remote name cannot be found.

        Thanks a lot.

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